The costumes are ready, and the children’s energy is rising! It’s almost time for trick-or-treating! It’s a time to be imaginative and to let go and have fun. Does the thought of managing your children’s candy make you feel uncomfortable? You may be a parent who takes care to feed your children nutritious food, so […]
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Living Well
Primer on Ayurveda for Healthy Digestion
Since ancient times, Ayurveda’s primary tenet has remained the same: good digestion. The digestive fire is the secret to sustaining good health. For this reason, it is helpful to understand the basis of good digestion and the result of poor digestion—agni and ama, respectively. Agni and Ama Agni means “fire” in Sanskrit, and in the context of Ayurveda […]
Anxiety: I’m so Done with You
Once you know the ways anxiety exerts its power (by lying to your face), you can see it coming from a mile away and not be bothered, not believe it, not be available to it and, yes, not even care what it has to say! We are not just going to help you ditch anxiety […]
Making Change
Families Need Direct Payments Now
In his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, Joe Biden said that we should do more than praise caregivers. He said we should pay them. But, whom do we count as caregivers? Value unpaid caregiving Even in the best of times, it is women who bear the brunt of the unpaid workload of caring […]
The Lives Of Student Parents
I was nearly 42 years old with five children at home when I decided I wanted to pursue an undergraduate degree at our local university. Initially, I wondered how I could do it, as I was homeschooling my children, and my spouse was working outside the home. However, with his encouragement and my own burning […]
Philosophies of How Children Learn
Before Covid, the National Center for Education Statistics said that there are 50 million children in the US of school age, and of these, about 3%, or a million and a half, are being schooled at home. According to the Department of Education, In 2011-2012, 91% of parents who home schooled said they did so […]
Helpful Resources for New Dads
Fathers don’t get enough attention during pregnancy and early parenthood. Expected to be the tower of strength for their partners, new fathers are, in fact, having their own unique and challenging experience. In 1865, anthropologist, E.B. Taylor, used the term couvade to describe cross-cultural rituals that fathers enact during pregnancy. In Papua New Guinea, for example, fathers […]
Pregnancy and Birth
How to Cloth Diaper with Organic Cloth Diapers
Parents are choosing to use cloth diapers more and more these days. As the environmental and financial benefits of using them become more widely understood, reusable diapers seem a sensible choice to make. But what exactly are organic cloth diapers, how do you use them and why should you consider them for your child? What […]
Find Help with Breastfeeding
If you have a breastfeeding question or concern, how do you know where to turn for help? Of course, reach out to your midwife or doctor, but sometimes you want to talk to someone whose speciality is breastfeeding. Mother-to-mother support Founded in 1956, La Leche League (LLL) is the premier organization for breastfeeding support. If you attended […]
Halloween Candy Dilemma: Sugar
The costumes are ready, and the children’s energy is rising! It’s almost time for trick-or-treating! It’s a time to be imaginative and to let go and have fun. Does the thought of managing your children’s candy make you feel uncomfortable? You may be a parent who takes care to feed your children nutritious food, so […]
How to Feng Shui Your Home
Looking to freshen up your home for the fall? Why not attract some positive energy at the same time? You’ve probably already heard about feng shui and the benefits it offers to the occupants. Living in harmony with your environment is very important and doing everything you can to attract strong feng shui energy (Chi) […]